Thursday 28 April 2011

Important Royal Wedding Bulletin

We interrupt the regularly scheduled blog to bring you my on the spot Wills & Kate update!  It's the day before the wedding and everyone is ready TO PARTY!

Hello!  It is me, Wilfred!  In case you haven't seen enough royal wedding news... all is ready here in London.  These last two days, while I was at Ravenstone making paper crowns and royal wedding invitations and minty candies, Poppy, Daddy and Grandma were scoping out the preparations.

Poppy in front of Buckingham Palace and the temporary media center

Camera positions on Victoria's monument

The Mall

Campers across from Westminster Abbey

Grandma could not even believe it

Royal pit stops in Hyde Park

Wedding cake displays at Harrods

Our local is decked out

Jumbo-tron in Trafalgar Square

Media stand at Trafalgar Square

Camera platform on the Mall

Souveniers on the Mall
Tonight, after supper, we went to check out the party preparations at Hyde Park.

Champagne and G&T bars in Hyde Park

Jumbo screens in Hyde Park

Dancing at the sound check at Hyde Park
Foreign dignitaries and Royal Family gather for a party at a Kensington Hotel

Me mixing it up with the paps

Me and a paparazzo
Don't worry, Poppy has his game plan worked out for tomorrow morning!  Watch this blog for all the inside scoop!   Talk to you soon,  Wilfie

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